About Us

We are Aaron and Kyle. Two best friends, who met in Chicago, journeyed to NYC, and set roots in Austin… all culminating in what has now been a 10+ year long m/cocktail journey. Along the way, we somehow managed to marry two incredible women, who happen to also be best friends, and are the critics behind every new concoction we craft.

CASUAL cocktail Critics

Enthusiasts on an endless journey, in search of the best concoctions around


For the data


For posterity

What Is Toasty Bird?

Have you ever found yourself unsure of which cocktail recipe to choose for a special event or a relaxing Friday evening, with countless options available but no clear decision in sight? This dilemma led to the creation of Toasty Bird, where questions are answered through blind taste tests conducted by a crowd.

Which recipe is best?
Which recipe is best for acidity/ sweetness/ herbaciousness?
Is it the most affordable or the most expensive?
Can non-alcoholic drinks compete with alcoholic if you didn’t know?
Is it the least difficult to make or the most complex?
Can home mixologists build a drink that stands up to the classics?
Are clarified cocktails worth the hype?
Can someone just please show me the DATA?!

Toast With Us

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Suggest the next cocktail for us to try!

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